Help us help you!


This website will first be a real success when the visitors help out, sharing their own experience with different products, kits, etc.

If you have some inside knowledge about a manufacturer, share it with the rest of us. If you have the latest kit from a manufacturer, take some pictures and share it. If you have a brilliant way of doing mud, zimmerit etc., share it!


Do you work for a manufacturer, or a model store, and have a kit, some paint, materials etc. you would like to let people know about, ship it off to us. We will review it for you, or we will ask one of our contributors to do it.

Contact us to ask any questions about donating! For contributing, you should create an account or sign in with an existing account and start posting articles, news, kits, etc. yourself.

Donate money

Nothing is free these days! We do not pay our contributors for their work, everybody is working for free. But if you like the content we provide, please feel free to donate a few cents. Until we find a sponsor, we pay the expenses for running this site out of our own pockets.