Silver medal

Awarded: Silver

By: BranislavHerain

Manufacturer(s): Dragon/Kora

Description: This is the excellent Dragon E 100 with veri nice and easy conversion set from Kora.Painted with Tamiya acrilics and weathered with oils and MIG pigments

Judge 1
This is a very nice model but it’s hard to see your good work as the photo’s are not well cropped, there is more background than model, have a look at our photo guide for some tips. Your flakpanzer is very well built and hard to fault in that respect. The paint is well applied and the colours are excellent it could have been further enhanced with some more tonal variation in the shadow regions. All the smaller details are very well defined and you have created some nice streaking & fading. The weathering is subtle and I like the dirt and grime around the crew access areas. The scratches and chips are well done but there are too many in areas I wouldn’t expect to find them (upper edges of the turret sides for example). Your road wheels and tracks are very convincing.
Judge 2
A very impressive looking model. the construction completed with flawless tracks. the basecoat is nicely applied & perfect pinwashes on all the details the little wearing/scratches on the hull & on the camo on the turret look really good & realistic,the paint & weathering on the track are well done too. the decal are applied with no film showing & the faint streaks on the hull front & down the turret are very nicely done. the photo's are abit too far away, but it looks like the turrets rear hatche doors could do with scratch handles,
Judge 3
Good build and application of paint. The paint chips and scratches are in-scale and delicately done, although perhaps a bit uniform along the edges of the turret. The shading and shadows around the smaller details is very well done.