Bronze medal

Awarded: Bronze

By: Zeller Michel

Manufacturer(s): Italieri, Dragon, Preiser, CMK...

Modifications: La modification principale a àtà effctuée sur le Doruler D0355 avec son effet de déstruction....

After-market parts: Les effets de destruction, le terrain...

Description: Mon diormma tourne autour de la chute d'un Doruler D0355 allemand qui c'est écrasé dans le pont de chemin de fer. Cet engin a effectué son premier vol le 26 octobre 1943 donnant ainsi une période durant la WWII pour mon diorama. Je me devais d'occuper la place devant les débris du pont. L'histoire du diorama tourne autour du fait que cet avion était un prototype, des moyens importants ont été engagé afin de dégager l'épave au plus vite et éviter ainsi les prises de photos aériennes de la chasse ennemie.

Judge 1
Vehicles and Figures: The shear number of vehicles in the diorama is impressive in itself but with such a number it would have been nice to see some more closeups and different angles. The construction seems quite good (the tracks on the bergpanther need some attention) and the wrecked Do 355 is very impressive. The camo on the Strumtiger has quite a bit of overspray on the rear engine deck but I really like the paint work on the train and the faded grey of the Blitz is quite good too. The images of the figures are in the most part too small and blurry for me to make comment on but the colours are good and I really like the cows and the card players. Good work. Jason.
Judge 2
Really a big work! I find the terrain good, veri well done. I would used trees of different lengths to break the monotony and also the coloration is quite uniform, at least from the photos...
Judge 3
This work immediately draws attention with a lot of objects present on it. 10 models (including the plane), not counting a tent and a field kitchen - that’s respectful. Each scene on the diorama shows that life stopped here for a long time. Soldiers are playing cards or just messing around, cows are drinking water, and it doesn’t matter the train is carrying a very rare and powerful vehicle, Sturmtiger. The front can wait, tells us the diorama with every square inch. But why? Why the front has to wait. Only after looking at the work for a while it becomes obvious – the rail has been damaged seriously. And after seen how seriously it has been damaged, all become clear. So in general the composition isn’t very convincing – you should have moved the damaged rail a little closer to the centre of the work, so that spectators won’t guess what’s going on. You could use fewer vehicles as well, it’s natural to see here Bergenpanther or Kubelwagen with Kettenkrad, but the tank? What is it doing, what is its role? And I’m not sure Sturmtiger’s ammo was transported just lying on the boxes.