Bedford QLC 6pdr Anti-Tank Gun Portee

By: Frank Schirmer

Manufacturer(s): AIRFIX/Model Transport

Modifications: It was highly modified and many things had to be scratchbuild, because the parts supplied by MT were of bad quality. Many accessories and additional items were added for accuracy.

Description: The figures are Milicast and Airfix. 11th R.H.A. (Field Artillery Regiment) of 1st Armoured Division in North Africa May 1942

Judge 1
I found this model somewhat difficult to judge owing to the nature of the photos. Most have insufficient sharpness and/or depth of field to truly asses the quality of both the build, and the finish. From a distance, the finish looks OK, and the additional stowage definitely makes it eye-catching. I’d truly like to see some better quality photos of this subject. Wayne
Judge 2
The build looks very good, with some delicate details and the base is very nicely finished (but can't be included in the judging this month). The photos make it a little difficult to judge the paint finish, although it looks good from what I can see.
Judge 3
Clearly a lot of work has gone into building this model, with it being first fairly heavily modified and then festooned with very appropriate details. The actual quality of the build is difficult to determine from the pictures provided. The paintwork seems competently executed and appears to be nicely shaded, from these pictures it's hard to tell. The situation is similar with weathering, it's clearly present but how effective it truly is is very difficult to determine. The staining on the petrol tank looks well done, but some of the bare metal effects may be a little strong. The figures seem suitable and well painted, if perhaps a little lacking in character.